
At the Well

Posted by Sharon Krause on Mar 13, 2023 6:00:00 AM

What do you say? Let’s go sit at Jacob’s well with Jesus and the woman of Samaria. Let’s say it is hot outside, around the noon hour, as the gospel passage described it in yesterday’s Mass. We might be thirsty as Jesus was. We hear some birds singing. The sun is shining on our shoulders.

We are now into the third week of Lent. We might need a cupful of water that will lead to a spring of water that wells up to eternal life. We can ask Jesus how to worship the Father in Spirit and truth in a way that is more faithful, more sincere and dynamic. As the Samaritan woman carried on a conversation with Jesus, maybe we could try a little more one-on-one with him during our busy day. No one was with Jesus and the woman; his disciples were off buying food. Can we find time to be alone with Jesus, even for a little while? It is so easy these days to get awfully busy!

Did you notice that the woman remarked that Jesus did not even have a bucket to use to obtain the water? However, after speaking with him, she left her bucket behind and went onto the town to spread the news about Jesus. She had a new priority. How about our priorities? Are they in right order? Can we make some adjustments? Do we share Jesus with others, even in small life matters, when we get a chance?

Jesus knew that the woman did not have a sixth husband, that the partner she had currently was not her spouse. Jesus knows all about us as well: our gifts, our talents, our shortcomings, our sins. He will help us deal with the various aspects of our lives when we ask him. Review your inventory together!

 Jesus revealed to the woman that he is the Christ. He reveals himself to us in a very special way when we receive Holy Communion. Is it possible to receive him more than once during the weeks of Lent? Perhaps we remember that little prayer for when we cannot receive Him physically in the Eucharist, but want to receive a spiritual communion:

    As I cannot now receive You, dear Jesus, in Holy Communion, come spiritually into  

   my heart and make it Thine own forever. Amen.

 By spending more time in prayer with our Savior, we might be able to find a new serenity in the days leading up to Easter. Our gratitude to God can increase. Our Easter joy could be more intense!


Paint my portrait, Jesus, I’ll endeavor to sit still;

Capture, Lord, my best side, if it’s your loving will.

Paint my eyes to find you in everyone I see.

Don’t catch my nose turned upward; I need humility.

Render my lips smiling; a few laugh lines are fine:

They help to show the Spirit, the inner joy that’s mine.

Blush my cheeks, dear Jesus, a vibrant, scarlet red.

Help me to remember the saving blood you shed.

Paint my portrait, Jesus; use forgiving hues.

Create a ready likeness: make me look like you.


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Topics: Lent, Lenten season, Sharon Krause, spend time with Jesus

Good Company

Posted by Sharon Krause on Mar 6, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Yesterday’s gospel reading told us about some of the people with whom Jesus was keeping company. Peter, James, and John were with Jesus on that high mountain when He was transfigured, and then Moses and Elijah made an appearance. Good company, indeed!

 Just think about it! During Lent 2023, we know we are in good company in our journey toward Easter. God, the Father, is with us, and that means we have access to his holiness, power, faithfulness, righteousness, and kindness. God, the Father, is the kind of company that comes to dinner and brings the foodand even prepares the meal!

 We certainly know about Jesus from the gospels. He is the gift from God, the Living Bread come down from heaven, the life-giving, Living Water through whom we are thirsty no more. Because Jesus is fully human, he knows from experience about emotions, challenges, and temptations. He relates to us with fullness of understanding. He gets up with us in the mornings and is with us throughout our days. He saves us over and over again, picks us up and helps us to respond to God’s love. His shoulder is always right next to us if we need to lean or to cry. His approving smile is always waiting when we do His Father’s bidding. Jesus’ name is our password to salvation.

 The Holy Spirit is a motivating and consoling companion, especially during this time as we anticipate Easter. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us those little nudges to pray, repent, or do a kind act. It is the Holy Spirit who can energize us and give us courage to overcome temptations. The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity prays with us, through us, and for us in words that are beyond words, when we cannot find the words. If we let the Spirit work, we can seize our lives’ moments and make them shine. Through the waters of baptism and our confirmation, the Spirit offers us make-overs that no Lenten visit to a health spa can rival. We can have a perpetual newness about us.

 At all Masses, we call upon the Communion of Saints, that is, Linus, Sixtus, Cornelius, Agnes, Agatha, and the holy Apostles, those saints we have heard about and read about, all the faithful in the Church like our families, friends, teachers, acquaintances, the people with whom we live, work, play, and pray. We ask that great company to help us. And, of course, our loving Blessed Mother prays for us generously. Even our guardian angels are keeping company with us. We might forget or ignore them, but they pray for us, too.

 We might want to customize or adapt our prayers today. We could pray the “Glory Be” or “The Sign of the Cross” to help us be more aware of the company we keep:

Glory be to the Father, who is Abba, and to the Son, who saves me, and to the Holy Spirit, who fires me up. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

 In the name of the Father who is so faithful, and of the Son who shepherds me, and of the Holy Spirit who consoles and inspires me, I pray I remain aware of such holy company today. Amen.


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Topics: Lent, Lenten season, God is with us, Sharon Krause

Thinking it Through

Posted by Sharon Krause on Feb 27, 2023 6:00:00 AM

A news report on the TV this morning told of some extra security a convenience store had to employ to discourage the constant increase of fearless, repetitive shoplifting incidents. Obviously, the store owner had thought through the problem and had come to a decision about how to prevent some losses. Potential thieves were probably surprised at the development. The question is, did any thieves think about the possible consequences of the frequent thefts. Did they anticipate this outcome, or did their thoughts only revolve around potential from their illegal activities? In their haste, did they think about repercussions?

In this fast-paced society, it is likely that all of us take speed for granted and sometimes neglect reflective thought. Spontaneity is often applauded as a burst of creativity, and sometimes it is, but there is value in careful thought. We think about things, but do we take time to think enough—especially when it comes to spiritual matters?

In yesterday’s Mass, the passage read from Matthew’s Gospel described Satan tempting Jesus in the desert. Satan might have expected a hungry Jesus to jump at the chance of bread to eat and not think it through to the declaration about the living word from God that offers the best kind of life.

Satan might have hoped that Jesus would throw himself from the temple parapet to reinforce his claim of sonship with God and protection from angels. However Jesus saw through the deception and temptation and took time to recall,

Again it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.” (Matthew 4:7)

A third time, weary, thoughtful Jesus took the time to defy Satan’s logic and reached the conclusion that God is the only one that should be worshiped, despite Satan’s offer of a ton of magnificent kingdoms.

We are often tempted to do uncharitable things, ideas can come quickly in certain circumstances, and we might rush into saying or doing something harmful. If we were to slow down a tad and consider many of the possibilities or outcomes, we might refrain. Better to spend time thinking before we act than spend time afterwards wishing we had not spoken or acted.

Maybe Lent can be a time of slowing down in this fast society. Maybe we can take time to look for the Lord in a special way and use the time to savor that relationship as we try to be more attentive to His presence.

                           Aha, God!

Aha, God, I see you, I know you are here.

You are near when I pray, when I doubt, when I fear.

You are found in small blessings, and in big ones too.

You surprise me, advise me, because you are you.

You are my teacher, my Savior, my shepherd, my guide;

You know all about me: what I show, what I hide.

I know that you love me, but I do get distracted.

Yet you seek me out, find me, give me friends to connect with.

You’re like gold I uncover, like oil in the ground.

You are more than all that, and your promise is sound.

When young, I kept laws out of fear and as duty.

As I’ve grown, I see you, I see truth, I see beauty.

Aha, God! You call me. May I be quite attentive!

Eternal life with you—heaven. What better incentive?


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Topics: Lent, Lenten season, Sharon Krause, thinking

Matters of Self

Posted by Sharon Krause on Feb 20, 2023 6:00:00 AM

As we age, we become more and more aware of who we are. While not wanting to be too self-conscious, or selfish, or self-serving, we do need to be self-aware and self-assured. We learn that we are created in the image and likeness of God, so each of us has the responsibility to be the self who lives and loves optimally. That is not always easy.

Self-control and self-discipline are skills we try to pursue. With the arrival of Lent, it may be a good idea to focus on little ways of improving such skills. Fasting, for example, does not have to be not eating a certain food. We might fast from watching a favorite television show. We can fast from using our cell phone for a certain hour or more during the day. Maybe we refrain from playing a favorite video game during Lent. How about that favorite sweater that brings you compliments from others every time you wear it? How about not wearing that sweater during Lent? 

Fasting from anything should be partnered with a positive substitution, perhaps a substitution of a spiritual nature. We might attend an extra weekday Mass, or pray some different prayers, or start a spiritual journal. Maybe we could phone a far-away friend and pray a rosary together once or twice a week. God gives us the gift of creativity, so why not use that gift during Lent?

I noticed that “discipline” and “disciple” have the same root; the internet tells me that the words come from Latin and have to do with “instruction” or “being a pupil.” Maybe this Lent can be a time of seeking wisdom and learning to be holy. We hear in today’s first reading at Mass that God gifts us with wisdom—"her” in the quote:

It is the LORD; he created her through the Holy Spirit,

has seen her and taken note of her.

He has poured her forth upon all his works,

upon every living thing according to his bounty;

he has lavished her upon his friends. (Sirach 1:7-8)

It may be a good idea to start each day of Lent by reading and trying to follow St. Paul’s recommendations in Romans 12:1-2:

I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourself to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.

Let us endeavor to make this Lent a time of spiritual self-help which will, in turn, lead us to help those we know and love to grow closer to the human and divine Self-Sacrificer, Jesus Christ.


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Topics: Lent, Lenten season, self-sacrifice, Sharon Krause

What to Love

Posted by Sharon Krause on Feb 13, 2023 6:00:00 AM

“What do I have to do today?” That is a question I dare say many of us ask ourselves as we roll out of bed and try to get ready for life’s adventures. How about asking ourselves, “What should I try to love today?”

 Let us pray.

 Lord, help me to love life today. Yes, there are uncertainties and challenges to meet, but I have breath, energy, and abilities you have given me, so I can do my best. May I be positive, may I be grateful, may I be faithful with you by my side.

 Lord, help me to love light today. In the light of day, and in your holy enlightenment, may I see situations positively. May I find ways to help others quell disparity and disagreements.

 Lord, help me to love leniency today. Of course laws and boundaries are necessary, but may I be understanding, patient. and sympathetic where I can be. Lord, you have been lenient and forgiving with me; may I follow your holy example.

 Lord, help me to love laughter today. As I love it, I hope to find ways of spreading it in gentle and appropriate ways. Laughter can be a way to unity and sympathy. It can ease anxiety. It can smooth the way in life’s demands.

 Lord, help me to love loyalty today. May I come closer to you and endeavor to change my little habits that are contrary to your will for me. In this world, it is so easy to be distracted or tempted to follow its ways instead of being loyal to your holy, saving plan for me. Lord, you never give up on me. Thank you!

 Lord, help me to love learning today. There are so many chances to learn more about you through Sacred Scripture, sacraments, nature, other people, situations. I just have to be alert and attentive to those opportunities. Keep me persistent and open.

 Lord, help me to love the little happy details in daily living, like the wagging tail of a friendly pup, the sweet song of the birds, the friendly wave of a neighbor passing by in his car. It is so easy to complain about little annoyances; change my mind and help me to substitute random praises to God who loves me.

 With Lent coming soon, let’s start formulating a love plan that includes a new outlook on life, light, leniency, laughter, loyalty, learning, and life’s little details so that we will look forward to the best Easter ever!



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Topics: Sharon Krause


Posted by Sharon Krause on Feb 6, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Most of us seem to like shortcuts. In our language, we use lots of abbreviations, some with punctuation, some without. For example, Mister shortens to Mr., United States of America becomes USA, and “until” can become “‘til.” We write or say less in an effort to save time or space. What is a love letter without a final SWAK? (Sealed With a Kiss)? Poets sometimes use abbreviations to achieve a particular rhyme or meter requirement. “Ever” could be “E’er”.

In our travels, we often take shortcuts to make our walk or drive shorter, more efficient, or even less costly. In our manual jobs, little shortcuts can, again, save us time and money. However, at times, haste makes waste.

While many shortcuts are helpful, there are situations in which these detours can leave us missing out on some things. Certain abbreviations may leave us wondering what they mean or may have more than one possible meaning. I read online that S.O.S., while a distress signal originally, stands for more than “Save Our Ship.” If we are reading an important article containing a number of abbreviations, we might have to stop and look up what each one means. If we are traveling, some shortcuts might deprive us of a number of beautiful vistas or local color. We could even end up getting lost or disoriented for a while.

I have noticed that television dramas, game shows, and movies don’t waste any time getting the audience pumped up. If you listen to the background music and the tempo of the shows’ formats, you know it is time to get your adrenaline flowing. Shortcuts to excitement welcomed! Sponsors are watching!

This question arises: Do we use our time wisely and effectively? Modern technology makes many things handy at our fingertips. We don’t have to use the postal system so much. We don’t have to physically travel so much. We can send messages in numerous ways. We don’t have to do things “in person” as we did in the past. Speed is much speedier!

 How do shortcuts affect our prayer life? If we are freed up more than ever before, do we increase our prayer time, or do we take shortcuts?

 St. Paul exhorts us to pray:

    Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer. (Romans 12:12)


   Persevere in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving; (Colossians 4:2)


It is easy to get into a mindset of shortcuts. Is it a good idea to talk less to God? Sure, God knows all about everything. We are the ones that learn more about God and his love for us when we pray and read sacred Scripture. We are strengthened through prayer. We are inspired by the Holy Spirit through prayer. We learn about love when we come closer and closer to Jesus, our Savior in prayer. We are healed and consoled when we pray. When we try centering prayer, we seek to sense God’s closeness to us in a very beautiful way. Using the extra time available to us through the use of shortcuts to stay more in touch with God might be an idea to consider.

 “So be it” or, in a single word: “Amen.”

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Topics: Sharon Krause, take time to pray


Posted by Sharon Krause on Jan 30, 2023 6:30:00 AM

A few months ago, my husband and I moved from Connecticut to south Florida. We now live very close to State Route 704, Okeechobee Boulevard, which has, at some areas, six lanes of traffic, and the traffic can legally go 50 miles per hour. There are many, many businesses on that road, and more malls and plazas off of it. Just about anything is available on or near the boulevard.

As we find our way around this new environment, the GPS (Global Positioning System) on our phones is very helpful. The voice on the device gives us timely notice about changing traffic lanes, road signs to look for, and even routes to avoid. When we arrive back at home, my husband's GPS voice even says, “Welcome home!”

I suggest that GPS can also stand for God Provides Solutions. If we are feeling lost or at a crossroads, our Lord is there to show us the way. There may be a tendency to go to God as a last resort, when all of our human ideas seem to be fruitless. From my experience, God should be our first and constant resort. Unlike the GPS on our charged-up phones, God does not lose his power.

In my life, God lays the groundwork for solutions sometimes quite far in advance. For example, God knew I needed to come closer to him, and so, when my daughter was a teenager and less dependent on me for things, he put a desire in my heart to attend some weekday Masses. A few months after that, the pastor invited me to become a minister of the Eucharist. Yes, that might have helped the pastor fill a need for another minister of the Eucharist who would make home visits to shut-ins and distribute Holy Communion at Masses, but the process also helped me to know my God in a more intimate way.

 God gifts us with various levels of creativity. He helps us solve problems using our own and others’ creative ideas. It is so important to be open to positive creativity, and at the same time, through prayer, to ask God’s opinion of these ideas. What we might label as a lucky coincidence could very well be God’s solution to a life problem. In all of this, patience is so important and not always easy to maintain. Creativity often involves some spontaneity, and that may have to be tempered through prayer as well. We have to trust in God’s wisdom and understanding.

 We can be comforted by many Scripture passages that tell of God’s presence and love. For example:

    Romans 8:28: We know that all things work for good for those who love God,

                           who are called according to his purpose.

     2 Timothy 1:7: For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power

                           and love and self-control.

    Psalm 50:15: Then call upon me in time of distress;

                           I will rescue you, and you shall glorify me.

    Proverbs 3:5: Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

                             on your own intelligence rely not;

                         In all your ways be mindful of him,

                             and he will make straight your paths.

These passages are short enough to memorize and motivate us as we seek solutions to our problemsuntil we die and go to heaven and hear God say, “Welcome home!”

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Topics: Sharon Krause, God's guidance

Chore Prayers

Posted by Sharon Krause on Jan 23, 2023 6:00:00 AM

There are many simple, mundane little jobs we do every day. Why not make those jobs more than chores? I say we should add a little prayerfulness and stir well. Here are some examples, but we all can add or subtract ideas.

 LAUNDRY. As I sort these clothes, O Lord, help me to learn to discern better what things in my life need to be sorted through carefully and, maybe, made better. I am grateful for those favorite clothing items that I enjoy wearing, but as I spray and treat small stains on my clothing, may I resolve to work to remove any habits that sully my relationship with you, my Lord. When I fold and put the clean clothes away, may the Holy Spirit help me to order my life and feel a sense of peace.

 DISHES. Lord, I am thankful for the food that has been on these dishes and in these cups. You have been so generous, Lord, and I don’t always remember to say grace before or after meals.

I think of the cup of wine at the Last Supper that you passed to your apostles after you changed the wine into your blood. You are such a generous Lord, sharing and giving your Body and Blood to us as divine nourishment. May I hold you close and let your love spill out to others.

 COOKING. Lord, I remember your feeding so many followers with just five loaves of bread and a couple of fish. I remember the account of your having breakfast waiting for your apostles when they had finished fishing. Preparing meals is not just about food. Help me to remember that love, care, and camaraderie can be there as well. Bon appetit!

 SWEEPING. Not only am I cleaning and clearing the way for my family and friends, but I am clearing the way for you to work in my life today, Lord. With your help, I will avoid those pesky little temptations that get in my way, and I will use my precious time to spread happiness and love—even in simple, little ways. I will endeavor not to sweep difficult decisions under the rug, but rather to ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration and wisdom.

MAKING THE BED. Good day, Lord! Thank you for comfortable sleep which gives me time to rest and reset. I remember that your infant bed was a manger, and I assume that as you walked various places in your public ministry, you did not have a soft, well-made bed on which to sleep. Help me never to take my comfort for granted. Enlighten me that I may use my well-rested self to bring comfort and consolation to your other children.


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Topics: forgiveness, gratitude, Sharon Krause, daily prayer


Posted by Sharon Krause on Jan 16, 2023 6:00:00 AM

There are so many kinds of leftovers, some good, and some not so good. With big and busy holidays, for example, there are often various amounts of leftover foods from the specially planned feasts. How long do the turkey remnants last in your refrigerator? Are there crumbly samples of many different cookies left over from the workplace cookie exchange? Was that big casserole too overwhelming to finish at one sitting?

For the most part, I like leftovers when it comes to food. Leftovers can mean I don’t have to plan a meal or bake something new. Often leftovers even taste better the next day. Sure, many meals of “repeats” can get to be too much, but from my experience, that does not happen very often.

Let’s get out of the realm of leftover foods. How about leftover laughter? What fun it is to recall a humorous incident or a funny joke and chuckle again to yourself. How about meeting a friend with whom you had shared a silly experience, and when your eyes meet, burst into laughter again?

There are treasured memories—-leftover thoughts—that linger with us for years. We joyfully recall life experiences with family members and friends who have moved away or passed away. We might remember and savor first-time happenings or last-time moments. We may love to rehash happy occasions or holy spiritual highs. Not long ago, we read in Sacred Scripture that after the shepherds visited the newborn Jesus,

Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)

Of course, certain memories may be sad or punctuated with grief but remain part of our “leftovers repertoire.” Perhaps some thoughts that pop into our minds can involve resentment. I have heard of families that deal with leftover resentment or grudges for years. Nothing good comes from unforgiveness. Grudges should be discarded as if they were moldy aged food leftovers. The time with which each of us has been blessed should be used for producing and fostering positive, loving, and fruitful relationships and memories. We should pay attention to what St. Paul advises in Philippians 4:8:

    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,

   whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any

   excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

 I encourage all of us to be very careful which leftovers of any sort we carry with us this year. Making a resolution to invite the Holy Spirit into each day of our lives—and keeping that resolution—is a good ingredient for future promising leftovers!

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Topics: forgiveness, reconciliation, Scripture, Sharon Krause, holding grudges

Putting the Crèche Away

Posted by Sharon Krause on Jan 11, 2023 6:00:00 AM

With the Christmas season winding down, I decided to pack away the nativity scene with its porcelain figurines that had stood on my living room end table. Then my mind took a trip down memory lane. While I did not want to undermine in any way the wonderful significance of the crèche, I could picture the figures looking like my family members and other people from my past life.

I started my piece-by-piece packing with the manger and the Christ Child. I remembered my childhood in the 1950s. My loving parents wanted to be sure the little apple of their eye was warm enough during the winter months in our coal-furnace-heated house, so the second bedroom was closed off, and I shared the warmth of the master bedroom with them. I am sure Mary and Joseph were very mindful of their Infant Jesus’ comfort.

I could imagine a figurine of my mother as I gently wrapped Mary’s little statue in some soft tissue. My mother was a sweet, caring woman who was very protective of her only child. With her ready smile, she could come up with some extremely interesting, imaginative, and amusing stories right off the top of her beautiful head to keep me entertained. She would chuckle as she told them to me as I sat in her warm lap. I wonder if Mary told Jesus little stories. I bet she did!

Jesus had Joseph for protection, so I protected that little father statue very methodically. So many times I have wished that my Dad had not died of a heart attack when I was only 11 years old. I remember most about him his great sense of humor and his handsome smile. Often, I would follow him to the neighborhood corner store as he took a leisurely walk to get the local newspaper. A faithful husband, he was active in town government and a fraternal organization. A very responsible man, as was craftsman Joseph!

I grabbed a shepherd figurine to put into the storage box. I got thinking about the good shepherds in my life. I had some superb teachers who guided me in safe and productive ways through my school years, and even through fun extracurricular activities. I think many of us should take time to be thankful for those nurturing, generous shepherds in our lives! And I remember that the Lord is my shepherd every day!

The three wise men, before they found their nesting place in the box, reminded me of some of the wise people in my life who have gifted me with their advice, intelligence, and encouragement. Coming from many different backgrounds and locations, they inspired me to use my God-given talents. It is good to thank God for those wise people!

Last, but not least, I carefully placed the animals from the stable into the storage box. I thought about the pets whose company I had enjoyed throughout my life. Those cats and my dog, Candy, had comforted me, made me laugh, and taught me about loving. I am reminded how easy it is to take our pets for granted.

So, while the crèche has brought to mind the true joy of Christmas, it has triggered treasured memories of personal past experiences. May we never pack away our gratitude to our Loving God for all the blessings in our lives!

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Topics: crèche, gratitude, Sharon Krause

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