
The Love Continues

Posted by Sharon Krause on Apr 25, 2022 6:00:00 AM

In Chapter I of the Acts of the Apostles, we learn that Jesus stayed among his followers for 40 days after his resurrection. After all his suffering, wouldn’t we expect Jesus to choose to go straight to heaven to be with his Father? Jesus continues to love us.

In Matthew’s Gospel, we read that the risen Jesus told Mary Magdalene and her companions not to be afraid but to go tell his brothers that they would see him in Galilee. (Matthew 28:10) And when Jesus saw his disciples, he assured them that he would be with them always and commissioned them to make disciples in every nation, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all his teachings. (Matthew 28:18-20) Jesus did not want them to be fearful or feel alone. He loved them.

In the episode described in the passage from Mark’s Gospel read at Mass today, Jesus told his followers to go in to “the whole world” to proclaim the Gospel and, in his name, drive out demons, heal the sick, and speak in new tonguesall of this in spite of whatever dangers that might challenge them. (Mark 16:15-20) Disciples have Jesus’ promises of signs, miracles, and safety because they have Jesus’ love.

In the famous passage in Luke’s Gospel, we read about Jesus explaining Scripture to two disciples as they walked to Emmaus. He wanted them to open their hearts and understand. He loved them. (Luke 24:13-35) We read a few verses later that he also helped the eleven remaining apostles to understand the scriptures after telling them all to be at peace. (Luke 24:36-49) Again, Jesus commissioned his disciples to witness to the good news of salvation. He told them he was sending what the Father has promisedthe Holy Spirit. Understanding. Hope. The promise of help. What love!


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Topics: Christ's love, resurrection, road to Emmaus, Sharon Krause

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